Thursday, June 12, 2014

Abuse of Anadrol in Bodybuilding and Sport

Anadrol has been used to prevent loss of muscle tissues in chronic disorders such as AIDS and other disorders. It was noted that the use of Anadrol resulted in reduce in the muscle loss in individuals suffering from such disorders. However, the side-effects associated with prolonged use of Anadrol have restricted its use for severe cases.

An increase in the abuse of anabolic androgenic steroids such as Anadrol by bodybuilders has been reported in Western Europe and the USA since the 1990s. Body builders and other sports athletes’ overuse (abuse) this drug for its ability to build lean muscle mass and reduction in body fat. The steroids are commonly used as faster way of losing fat and gaining muscle mass across various sports. Some of the bodybuilders even grow the dosage at abnormal levels to gain muscles at a much rapid rate. The dosage generally prescribed for medicinal purposes is about 1-5 mg/kg corpse weight per day which amounts to about 100-150mg per day in a standard adult single. However, bodybuilders have been reported to consume about 400-600mg/day which increases the risk of side-effects to a large extent. Abuse of Anadrol is associated with a wide range of side-effects that affects the functioning of organs such as liver and heart along with other effects. The adverse effects on the liver due to increased use of anadrol are sometimes considered living-threatening.

Anadrol cycle refers to the use of Anadrol in a routine manner by bodybuilders to construct muscle mass. The bodybuilders usually consume anadrol tablets once to thrice daily for a certain interval of period while building the muscle mass in their cadaver. Although Anadrol increases lean muscle mass initially, the effects do not keep increasing after a certain limit. Increasing the dosage of anadrol subsequently increases its side-effects that have dangerous effects on the corpse.

Side Effects of Anadrol: Abuse of Anadrol is associated with a great list of side-effects. The increased incidence of side-effects associated with its use has restricted the use of anadrol in the medical field. Anadrol is usually considered as the last line of treatment wherein it is advised only if the regular treatment modalities have failed to resolve the condition being treated. Abusers of Anadrol have an increased danger of being affected by the side-effects owing to the fact that they consume anadrol at very high doses.
Result on Liver: The most common and potent side-effect that can be life threatening at times is the result of Anadrol on the liver. Excessive use of anadrol results in a condition known as peliosis hepatis which is characterised by formation of cysts (fluid filled cavities) in the liver and at times also in the spleen. These cysts may effect in liver failure that is considered living threatening. Although withdrawal of anadrol results in complete reversal of symptoms, the liver failure generally remains asymptomatic until it reaches the living-threatening stage. Increased incidence of liver tumours has also been associated with Anadrol abuse.

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