Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The more dangerous viral hepatitis B?

A 1% ill in the acute period can develop very severe, form of the disease. Suddenly, there is growing dramatically and jaundice, a sweet smell of mouth, drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night, may be bleeding from the stomach and intestine. This period may end up dying, but if the man survives, it sure is recovering.

Chronic disease without treatment over 10-20 years could evolve into cirrhosis of the liver in 10-30% of cases. Each year, 10% patients with cirrhosis develop gastrointestinal bleeding, jaundice, increasing the stomach through the accumulation of fluid violated mind, until loss of consciousness, and 6% have a risk of liver cancer on the background of cirrhosis.

What to do if you have signs of hepatitis B?

Call a doctor. There's no need to engage in self. This can lead to the rapid development of chronic hepatitis with the outcome of cirrhosis. Treat with caution to promises to cure hepatitis in the short term, the use of techniques "alternative medicine", "people's means." They still did not deliver.

As one survey and treatment of hepatitis B?

Survey and must be treated with a doctor: infectious disease, gastroenteritis and Hematology. The very treatment of hepatitis B drug that can block the reproduction of the virus began recently, in the early 90-es.

To determine the feasibility of antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B must pass corresponding tests, and it is possible extraction needle liver tissues (liver puncture biopsy) for microscopic examination. Before deciding on the appointment of treatment, the doctor must weigh all the factors: age, severity of illness, the risk of possible side effects of antiviral drugs, the likelihood of response to therapy.

As evident hepatitis B?

Viral hepatitis B may be acute and chronic. From the moment of infection to the deterioration of the well-being held from 42 to 180 days. In some cases, the disease begins with jaundice. However, usually the first signs of disease are common fatigue, malaise, declining appetite, increasing the temperature to 38-39 ° C, can be nausea, vomiting, headache, pain in muscles, joints, cough, runny nose. The disease is subtly - at this stage it easily confused with the flu or cold. All this takes 1-2 weeks, during which some lose flesh on 3-5 kilograms. Then the patients notice darkening of urine, then yellow color scler eyes, and later skin. It starts with icteric period, which lasts for 3-4 weeks. There may disturb pain, lighter calories. The period of recovery lasts 2-12 weeks, is characterized by the disappearance of jaundice, improve the general condition, but is likely to remain a small increase in the liver. In 80-90% of cases is healing. If the disease is delayed until 6 months, then likely move acute phase of chronic disease. Some of the 5-10% of infected adults and 30% of children infected between the ages of 1 to 5 years and 90% is not a vaccine, inoculated newborns born to mothers, sick with chronic hepatitis B disease runs in a carrier, ie no manifestations characteristic of chronic hepatitis. Chronic hepatitis is not always preceded by an acute form. Chronic hepatitis can show itself occasionally incomprehensible weakness, fatigue, very rarely in the period of - the appearance of jaundice and deterioration of general condition, or for a long time does not show itself does.

Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B (B) - one of the most common liver disease in the world, caused by a virus of hepatitis B. In the vast majority of cases of acute hepatitis B patients successfully treated and, importantly, become lifelong immunity to re-infection. But if the infected person, for whatever reason, lowered immunity, severe period of illness goes undetected, gradually during the prolonged infection becomes chronic.

How is hepatitis B virus infection?

Infection with the virus of hepatitis B, mainly occurring through blood. More often it happens when using shared syringes to intravenous drug use, as well as toothbrush and razor, in the performance of tattoos, piercings, manicure, less when you remove the teeth or in surveys in violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes, as well as possible in carrying out operations. That is, the virus can get into your body through the piercing-cutting items and medical instruments, which, with a lack of processing stored pieces of infected blood. When transfusions of blood containing the virus, also happens contamination. If your sexual partner has hepatitis B virus, the probability of infection through semen is 30%, the virus penetrates even through intact mucous membranes. Detection he also saliva, tears, urine, when they hit on the damaged skin and mucous membranes is the risk of infection, but it is very small. Such transmission is possible in the home, more often among children. Revealed the relationship of contracting hepatitis C through a tubes for inhaling cocaine. If the mother has hepatitis B virus, then it may be born infected child. Therefore, all children almost immediately after birth vaccinate against hepatitis B. The virus is found in breast milk, but not a risk to the child not allowed to breast-feeding.

Living with hepatitis C and depression

Living with a chronic disease presents many difficulties. None of us do not usually thinks that one «excellent» day we can seriously sick, so normally we are not ready when it happens. Depression can accompany any chronic diseases, including hepatitis C (HIV) and severely complicate the lives of patients. The most difficult time, when depression can find any, are the times:

• When first diagnosed

• During treatment

• After an unsuccessful course of treatment

• When evaluating lifestyle and their sexual opportunities

• If you have these symptoms HIV, as fatigue and sleep disorders

• When attempting to cope with the progressive hepatitis

• When a person is confronted face to face with death

Treatment of HIV

HIV treatment can be very difficult. Typically, patients start treatment with hope and confidence that the result will be positive. If not, the patient may be disappointed, depressed and oppressed. Such a reaction is normal in such situations. The feelings may be different, and some people may experience a range of negative emotions. Those who just finished the medicine, especially highly vulnerable to the risk of depression. Give yourself time to receive results of drug passed. A prolonged depression or depression that hamper normal life, may require medical intervention, such as psychotherapy or treatment with antidepressants.

Monday, November 10, 2008

How can I deal with depression

1. Do not place a very difficult task and not take themselves too much responsibility. If you expect from yourself too much, it could increase the likelihood of failure, which worsen your health;

2. Very extensive work broken down into parts that are easier to implement, determine what are the priorities and what can wait and do the work whenever possible;

3. Do not take major decisions, such as relocation, change of work, divorce, not having discussed the issue with close friends or relatives of those you trust. Try to postpone decisions on important matters until you do not sign out of depression;

4. Do not stay alone. Spend time in the society of others. Try to talk to them about things not related to depression;

5. Do what improves your mood. Go to the movies, go to the playground to play ball.

6. Take physical exercise. Studies show that people suffering from depression are feeling better, if regular exercise. Sports facilities in the fresh air (jogging, walking, swimming, cycling) in particular provide a significant effect;

7. Exclude from your diet, caffeine and refined sugar. In one study found that people are likely to use a lot of caffeine and refined sugar, depression deepened, and when checking in three months they were still in the same state;

8. Do not overeat and refuses to eat. Follow a healthy, well-balanced diet;

9. Deliver a joy. Medicines for you can become something that enhances your mood - hot bath with a fine tool evening at the opera, visits to dance halls, anything;

10. Do not worried that your condition has not improved as soon as well. It takes time, that you become much better.