Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HGH and human immunodeficiency virus

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome). The HIV retrovirus may be passed from one individual to another when infected blood, semen, vaginal secretions or other bodily fluids come in contact with an uninfected person's broken skin or mucous membranes. People with HIV have what is called HIV infection and are fit and well. Some of these people will develop AIDS as a end result of their HIV infection. Growth hormone is a popular bodybuilding and performance enhancing aid, and the use of recombinant human growth hormone (HGH, or simply GH) to treat various conditions in HIV infection has been debated with excitement for years. Indeed it is licensed for the treatment of wasting syndrome in advanced stages of AIDS.
Other than in the treatment of wasting malady, results from the studies using rHGH to treat cadaver changes associated with HIV and/or drugs used to treat HIV have been very favourable. One which has been studied extensively is the use of rHGH in reducing HIV-associated adipose redistribution syndrome (HARS). However, the positive effects of HGH treatment in HIV may be more direct. Several studies have proposed that rHGH may bolster the immune structure in ways that might better clinical outcomes in HIV.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Training for bodybuilder with HIV

Does a bodybuilder with HIV have it harder than a bodybuilder that doesn’t have the disorder? Is there a specific trainer that a bodybuilder with HIV need to go to? The answer is yes. As per a bodybuilder I interviewed today at a gym in Miami, which does not want his identity revealed to the public. He advised me that a bodybuilder that does have the disease needs a special trainer to help him gain muscle. There is a specific program that he says he is on that keeps him in shape for shows. He said a majority of trainers need to add a HIV program to handle bodybuilders with the affliction only because they knowledge different things when they are training which hurts them more than help. There needs to be a design program with special needs for someone with HIV with a different level of fitness. A bodybuilder going through HIV treatment that exercises can play fair or bad long term side effects which could lead to uplifted blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and etc. The significant possession is to come to terms with the disease and produce a plan that will help you as a bodybuilder and still achieve your goals.

Here is the key lucky training for a bodybuilder with HIV:

- Opposition Training
- Cardiovascular Training
- Pliability Training
- Balance Training and Intellect-Cadaver Training
Even though you may get depressed, weariness and chronic pain at times, If you are going through these symptoms, stop and take a rest. Don’t push yourself too hardened to get over that hump, just work to what is allowed. If you have HIV and you are a bodybuilder, consult your doctor first before starting your training. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

HIV infection

Deficiency of awareness of HIV prominence can attack HIV rates. Approximately 1 in 5 adults and adolescents in the U.S. living with HIV don’t know their HIV standing. This translates to about 116,750 persons in the African-American community. Late diagnosis of HIV infection is common, which creates missed opportunities to obtain early medical care and prevent transference to others. The sooner an individual is diagnosed and linked to appropriate care, the better the outcome.
All people should know their HIV status. The only sure way to know if you have HIV is to get tested. That's because you can have HIV and still sense in good. Once you know your status, you can take steps to protect yourself and stop the spread of HIV:
- Use latex condoms every period you have any kind of sex (vaginal, oral, or anal).
- If you inject drugs and cannot or will not stop, do not share needles, syringes, or other items used to prepare drugs. Always use new, unproductive syringes and needles. If you cannot get new ones, clean used ones with full-strength household lighten after each use. After unprotected sex, injection drug use is the next most common way that HIV is spread.
- Be faithful. Only have sex with an uninfected partner who only has sex with you.
Another way HIV is spread is from an infected mom to her baby during pregnancy or delivery. Because many people who are infected with HIV don't know they have it, all newly pregnant women should be tested for HIV as early in the pregnancy as possible, even if they are at low danger. With originally prenatal care and treatment, many babies of HIV-explicit mothers do not get HIV. For good health, many patients use Retrovir. Retrovir (Zidovudine) is an antiviral medication that prevents human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cells from multiplying in your body.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

HIV symptoms

Within a month or two of HIV entering the carcass, 40% to 90% of people knowledge flulike symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). But sometimes HIV symptoms don't appear for years—sometimes even a decade—after infection. Augmentin is indicated to treat bacterial infections of lower respiratory tract, otitis media, sinusitis skin infections and urinary tract infections. "In the originally stages of HIV infection, the most everyday symptoms are none," says Michael Horberg, MD, director of HIV/AIDS for Kaiser Permanente, in Oakland, Calif. One in five people in the United States with HIV doesn't know they have it, which is why it's so significant to get tested, especially if you have unprotected sex with more than one associate or use intravenous drugs. One of the first signs of ARS can be a mild fever, up to about 102 degrees F. The fever, if it occurs at all, is often accompanied by other usually mild symptoms, such as weakness, enlarged lymph glands, and a sore throat. At this point the virus is moving into the blood stream and starting to replicate in large numbers. The inflaming response generated by your besieged immune system also can cause you to feel tired and lethargic. Fatigue can be both an early and later sign of HIV. Ron, 54, a community relations executive in the Midwest, started to worry about his health when he a moment got winded just walking. Ron had tested HIV definite 25 years before feeling so tired; weakness during acute, or newly contracted, HIV might not be so clear. ARS is often mistaken for the flu, mononucleosis, or another viral infection, even syphilis or hepatitis. That's not surprising: Many of the symptoms are the same, including discomfort in the joints and muscles and swollen lymph glands. Lymph nodes are part of your body's immune combination and tend to get irritated when there's an infection. Many of them are located in your armpit, groin and neck.