Usually, the immune system reacts to the emergence of the virus (egg influenza virus), the formulation of special cells that can cope with the virus. But in the case of HIVE immune response can be formed all human life, because it evaded the virus from immune cells, making them feel part of the normal cells. Hide helps protein Neff, explains Dr. Collins. He is introduced to the part of the immune system, which is responsible for the identification of viruses and bacteria. U.S. Scientists have developed drugs that can block this action of protein Neff.
Incidentally, during the same session of the general microbiology hear the report that the AIDS virus emerged as a result of evolution. The nearest relatives of the virus, SIVA (simian immunodeficiency virus, immunodeficiency virus monkeys) living in monkeys, do not destroy the work of the immune system of their hosts. More active and destructive force of HIVE obliged all the same protein Neff.
AIDS made its presence felt recently, only 26 years ago. Journal of Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report (departmental publication of the American Center for disease control) 5 June, 1981 published an article about a strange outbreak of pneumonia in Los Angels, USA. During 7 months, five men have been victims of a microscopic fungus Pneumatics caring, which often occurs in the human lung, but usually behaves quietly and may cause disease only in people with suppressed immunity. In addition, all patients were found cytomegalovirus, has also tended to quickly neutralized the immune system. It was clear that the five with severe immune disorders could not accidentally come together. It turned out that all the victims were members of one sex communes. Therefore, in the introductory part of the article Dr. Jim Curran suggested that the depression of immunity due to any infection, possibly transmitted through sexual contact. Since the world first learned about AIDS.
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