In any important area, research can really help the cause. This is especially the case when it comes to epidemics like the AIDS virus. Without the research and the developments that come from that research, the AIDS and HIV pandemic would be much worse than it already is. Many people in the world have this virus. By last estimates, there are over thirty three million people in the world who currently have the disease. That is astronomical when it comes to a terrible and deadly disease such as this. In fact, more than two million people have died from the virus so far. With the help of proper research, scientists can hopefully gain enough information on AIDS to create a cure.
Scientists have already learned a lot about HIV and AIDS through their research. In the beginning, there were a lot of misconceptions about the virus. For instance, people though that only homosexual sex or drug use spread the virus. Through great research, they've learned that this is not true. Anyone can contract or spread the disease. It isn't limited to a certain kind of person. Now that this is known, more people can protect themselves. And the more people that do, the epidemic can subside.
Through the proper research, scientists and doctors have found a lot of great treatments that can help people with this virus. While they have yet to find a cure, these medications are still very helpful. They improve the quality of the lives of the people with the illness. It also makes it harder to contract the disease from people who take the medicine. Through further research, scientists hope that they will eventually find a cure. If they do, it will likely be given to people all over the world in the form of a vaccination. This information on AIDS will be very helpful in stopping the current pandemic.
Research also does a great job of increasing the education on the subject. Often, education is the reason why the illness is so widespread. If people don't know how to protect themselves, then they will likely contract the disease and give it to others. This is evidenced by the current AIDS epidemic in Africa. Since these nations are so poor, they cannot afford to educate their population on AIDS and how it can be contracted. That is why there are so many people there who are sick with the virus. There are organizations that are working on educating people in sub-Saharan Africa, though. They work to let people know about simple ways that they can avoid getting sick, such as the use of condoms. They also supply these condoms to people in hopes that they will use them and avoid giving AIDS to others.
Without the proper research, we wouldn't have known about how to avoid getting sick with the AIDS virus. We would likely have many more people in the world who are sick. This research has helped a lot of people and it has slowed down the spread of the virus. Still, the amount of people who have the disease grows every year. With more research and education, this can hopefully be reversed.
Now you can see the importance of proper research when it comes to AIDS and HIV. The research that has already been done has had a great and positive impact on the epidemic. Hopefully, further research will help find a cure and make less people sick with the disease. That is the main goal for scientists. To help the cause, donating money often goes to the research. This money also helps people who already have the disease.
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