Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
This virus family herpetologist. It can be located not only in those infected with HIVE. But a person with a healthy immune system, it either does not cause any inflammation (of symptoms) or manifest as a mild cold. CMV can be transmitted through semen, cervical secret urine. He very easily transmitted through sexual contact. People with immunodeficiency virus that can cause liver injury (hepatitis), lungs (pneumonia), gastrointestinal tract (colitis), the eye (retinues, often resulting in complete or substantial loss of vision). Because CMV is transmitted through semen and cervical secret and urine, HIVE-positive people must use a condom during any sexual contact penetrating to prevent contamination of this virus.
Not a small role in the prevention of CMV plays a compliance standard of hygiene, including the timely thorough handshaking.
Hairy leukemia
This defeat cover fabric of language, as reflected stuck wite thin hairs (similar to the raw cotton). Called Epstein-Bar virus. Leukemia does not endanger the lives of HIVE-infected, but reduces the quality of life, so how can create discomfort when eating. It is not contagious and often goes by itself .. Look-alike may be confused with candidiasis, but unlike him, leukemia does not extend further language.
Herpes simplex I and herpes simplex II
This family of viruses herpes. Manifested in the form of small bubbles in the vicinity of the mouth ( "cold") (herpes simplex I) or the anus and / or genitals (herpes simplex II). Those and other manifestations are usually held in 10-15 days, but could be renewed. It may be infected by both viruses at once. People with impaired immune systems of most do not pass, and spread on the skin to other parts of the body. The lesions are sometimes accompanied by severe itch, which poses a considerable inconvenience.
Lymph nodes
This is a long time not passing the increase in lymph nodes. Its cause is not a specific infectious agent (this is not a contagious disease). Usually, when the body is struggling with an infection the size of lymph nodes increased some what, particularly in the worst-hit areas of the body. Increased state of lymph nodes may persist up to several weeks.
In the case of HIVE infection, increasing the lymph nodes is observed through 2-6 months after infection, and remains a very long time, because the body can not "win" the infection and is in a position to fight. Sometimes lymph nodes reach a significant size, so that they can be seen.
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