There are several important points which need to remember women who have sex with women:
Blood (including Menstrual blood), vaginal allocation and breast milk contains a concentration of the virus;
Data liquids must be fresh and in sufficient quantities, as well as HIV kills in just a few minutes outside the body;
HIV can enter the body through direct hit into the bloodstream or via mucous membrane genitals or mouth (mainly the damaged).
HIV can be transmitted from one another in the women receiving oral sex, use common sex toys, or a general injection equipment (when receiving the drug). In such situations, as well as all responsible above three criteria is the risk of HIV transmission, regardless of lifestyle, sexual orientation and other factors.
While sex between women can completely eliminate the risk, if only to practice safer sex - kissing, petting, vaginal penetration by hand.
Sex Toys (imitator) should not be used if there are other people's allocation, and so more blood. In such a case imitator need to thoroughly wash or wear a condom on him.
When oral sex risk of HIV transmission is available only for the host partner. In the oral-vaginal sex (cunnilingus) the risk is low, as well as undamaged mucous membrane mouth and saliva protect against HIV, and vaginal allocation of the virus found in much lower concentrations than in sperm or blood. However, the risk increases significantly during menstruation, injuries and diseases of the mouth, as well as in the case, if the partner of a high viral load.
Oral sex can be made more secure, excluding factors that increase the risk - not to engage them during menstruation, to monitor the state of the mouth, do not use conditioner and clean the teeth before sex. You can also use barrier protection. Unfortunately, oral sex with such proves tools as a condom does not exist.
For protection during cunnilingus usually recommended special latex napkin or cut a condom. However, to buy such wipes is virtually impossible, to the same people often do not like the taste of latex. According to estimates of consultants in the areas of prevention, lesbian and bisexual women generally are more convenient to use food film, which is used for packaging products. Such a film can be bought in any supermarket or farm shop, it is fine, it has no taste.
Often, it is believed that if a woman who have sex with women, it did not have or have not had sex with men. However, a significant number of women engaged in sex with both men and women, while sexual behavior may not coincide with how a woman defines their sexual orientation. Recipient vaginal or anal sex is extremely risky in terms of HIV transmission.
Studies show that women who have sex with men and women often change sexual partners. Among their male partners more often found gay men and bisexuals, they often engage in anal sex. It must be remembered that a woman could not determine their sexual orientation, and whatever its relationship with a man with penetrating sex with him must be constantly and correctly use condoms. Also need to develop self-confidence and communication skills to convince a partner to wear a condom.
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