Cytomegalovirus belongs to the same group of viruses as herpes. This organism multiplies rapidly and may live long in the human body, leaving their footprints everywhere.
In recent infection, which causes cytomegalovirus occurs quite often. The reason to unfavorable environment, excessive fascination with drugs, the wrong way of life. Because the disease usually begins if the body fails in the immune system, the virus often manifests itself during pregnancy, that is precisely when a woman raises the so-called physiological immunodepression and protective forces weakening.
The source of trouble - TSMV carriers or patients cytomegalovirus infection. The virus is transmitted through blood, urine, saliva, breast milk, amniotic waters, sperm, that is, by any physiological fluid. Add to that: You can be infected with airborne droplets or through household where the infection is moving from one person to another through dirty hands or objects items (towels, dishes). If the infection is acute in women during pregnancy, the virus enters a child through the placenta or amniotic waters, in addition, the baby could be infected with the disease at the time of child birth or during breastfeeding. In the event that a meeting with TSMV occurred at the beginning of pregnancy, the consequences are especially severe because the virus enters the blood and spread to all organs and tissues child.
How to detect disease?
The disease runs in different ways, it is because, as the people it infected. But most often it starts with symptoms typical of influenz: rising temperatures, increased lymph nodes, causing problems with the digestive system, there is abundant selection of the vagina. In addition, women may complain of general malaise, headache, severe fatigue. At the skies and a nose raid on the increase and become painful salivary glands. Add to this the analysis of blood found antibodies TSMV.
Usually, pregnancy, complications cytomegalovirus infection has seriously: sometimes the child ceases to grow (because of what happens miscarriage), placenta detachment occurs, symptoms of intrauterine infection or placental insufficiency when the baby does not have enough oxygen (a condition known as hypoxia), because which delayed its development, or a threat of premature birth.
Sometimes, women with chronic infection cytomegalovirus birth to a child without visible developmental disorders. But, unfortunately, the disease still defers its imprint, and during the examination the doctor can observe the following:
-Problems with the central nervous system, the initial stage of cerebral palsy, emotional aggression, violation of speech, hearing defects;
-Changes in the structure of the skin and mucous membranes, more vivid picture of skin;
-Low birth weight, delayed mental development, in violation of motor activity.
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