As our society continues to be homophobic, different sexual orientation causes of neuroses, depression and leads to a large number of suicides among homosexuals. Suicidal behavior more typical of adolescents, but the risk is and adult gay men and lesbians. Stress caused by social attitudes towards homosexuality, can serve the cause of sexual disorders - impotence, vaginal or violations of ejaculation.
Members of sexual minorities far more than their heterosexual peers, smokers, drinkers and intravenous drug users. In recent years, rates of homo-and heterosexual almost compare.However, drug addicts with different sexual orientation have more diverse "arsenal" of psychotropic substances. It is also known that the proportion of smokers among lesbians is almost twice the rates of heterosexual women.
Homosexual adolescents are more likely than heterosexual, come into conflict with their parents, sometimes ends escape from the house. Leaving from parents, these teenagers often earn their living own body, which significantly increases the risk of drug abuse and sexually transmitted diseases.
Among homosexual women, as well as among doctors, there is the belief that cervical cancer, in the absence of vaginal sex with men, they are not threatened. However, precancerous changes are detected in more than 10% of lesbians.
In addition, unlike traditional orientation of women, lesbians do not use hormonal contraceptives, does not give birth and more smoke. This - the additional risk factors for geometrical cancer and breast. Add to all of the newly emerged evidence that sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS, can be transferred in women with homosexual contact.
Oddly enough, for patients gay characterized violations by the digestive system, as a result of depletion, and over. Also high risk of fecal-oral infections such as hepatitis A or escherichia caused by intestinal wand.
Among the doctors perception that the trauma of the rectum caused by gay sex. This is true only in the event of minor damage, but serious injuries - fractures - occur as a result of intestinal disorders as men of normal orientation.
Minor damage epithelium rectum involved in sex, dangerous primarily as the entrance of infection: herpes virus, AIDS and hepatitis B, chlamydia and other microorganisms. Many of these infections increase the risk of developing cancer of the rectum.
Studies have shown that the majority of practicing anal sex not use condoms and prevention of infection becomes ineffective. However, doctors are not interested in themselves and do not inform their patients about the rules of protection against sexually transmitted diseases in such sexual relationships. Given that anal sex practice as many heterosexual couples, such consultations are necessary for them.
A special group of patients are transsexuals - people who consider themselves to the opposite sex. First and foremost, they need psychological support doctors. And if transsexuals are solved on an operation to change sex, the subsequent hormonal treatment can trigger the growth of cancer.
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