Thursday, March 26, 2015

Effect of Dianabol by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

Methandrostenolone is the chemical name for Dianabol. Dianabol (GP Methan) is known as literally the number one most popular and widely used anabolic steroid in existence, with the second most popular being Nandrolone Decanoate (Deca Durabolin), and third being Stanozolol (Winstrol). Dianabol (GP Methan) was also essentially the second anabolic steroid synthetically created, and is the first analogue of Testosterone to ever be developed (discounting Methyltestosterone, which is essentially orally active Testosterone).
The development of Dianabol (GP Methan) for all intents and purposes sparked the beginning of the anabolic steroid development boom, which began in the 1950s. With the Americans at a massive disadvantage, an investigation had been initiated into how the Soviet athletes were vastly superior, and various Soviet Olympic athletes that had defected to America had been studied. Shortly afterwards, it was discovered that these Soviet athletes had been administered supraphysiological amounts of Testosterone via intramuscular injection. It was this administration of Testosterone that was discovered to be a major changing factor in enhancing athletic ability, specifically in the areas of muscular strength.

Dianabol (also known as GP Methan, Dbol, Methandrostenolone, and methandienone) is one of the most popular anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs. This steroid is a very anabolic and androgenic drug that provides little progestational activity.

The chemical name of Dianabol (GP Methan) is [17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one] and its molecular formula is C20H28O2. It has an anabolic-androgenic ratio of 90-210:40-60 and can be detected over a period of six weeks. It has the molecular weight of 300.44 g/mol at the base.

Categorized as a Schedule III drug under the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990, Dianabol (GP Methan) is medically recommended to people suffering with osteoporosis and health complications requiring improved protein synthesis. The fact that 17α-methylation of the steroid helps it easily pass through the liver is one of the biggest reasons behind its popularity. Moreover, this steroid has the ability to minimize SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin), which deactivates steroids to prevent them from further reactions with the body. The drug is also suggested for treating health conditions like chronic adrenocortical insufficiency, thyrotoxicosis, interstitial-pituitary insufficiency, diabetic angiopathies (retinopathy and nephropathy), steroidal diabetes, and pituitary dwarfism. It can even be recommended during radiotherapy for laryngeal tumors.

The steroid has a profound effect on protein metabolism and promotes well being by facilitating positive nitrogen balance. Use of this steroid is also associated with improvement of mood, self-esteem, appetite, and self-confidence enhancements and normalizing effect on all functions of the body to promote physical and mental state and improving sleep patterns. In addition to that, the use of Dbol is linked to enhancements in terms of body calcium and potassium levels and offering assistance in the release of insulin besides transmission of sensor alerts. Dianabol is also admired by sportsmen as it its use for a period of six to eight weeks is related with glycogenolysis, nitrogen storage, protein synthesis, muscle mass, muscle function, and body strength gains that are nearly permanent. Dbol is commonly used by sportsmen to kick-start mass and strength gains at the start of a long bulking cycle. Since Dianabol (GP Methan) has a short active life, multiple doses of it are required to be taken throughout the day.

The recommended dose of Dbol for men is 25-50 mg per day when taken orally and 50-150 mg per week when taken in an injectable form. The anabolic compound is generally stacked with testosterone enanthate, Nandrolone, Anadrol, Proviron, Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone acetate, and testosterone cypionate and post cycle therapy with antiestrogens such as Clomid and Nolvadex is highly recommended to restore production of naturally-occurring testosterone and reduce or eliminate estrogenic side effects.

This anabolic steroid is not recommended to girls and women, especially those who may get pregnant while using the steroid or already pregnant or lactating. Its use is also not recommended to children or those struggling with hypertension, high blood pressure, and prostate or breast cancer. Dbol should also not be used by people having an existing allergy to its ingredients. Use of Dianabol is not recommended to those suffering from health problems like testicular atrophy, testicular cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, stroke, high blood pressure and respiratory problems.

Since Dbol can convert to estradiol via aromatase, estrogenic side effects may be a concern for users of this steroid. Some of the most common side effects of Dianabol include oily skin, acne, gynecomastia, water retention, and high blood pressure. In rare cases, nose bleeding may be a cause of concern while using Methandrostenolone. In order to avoid these side effects of Dbol, it is best to use an estrogen blocker such as Nolvadex or an aromatase inhibitor such as Arimidex. Being a 17-alpha-alkylated compound, Dbol (GP Methan) use can cause elevated liver values and therefore users of this anabolic steroid are advised to monitor liver function at regular intervals. Since liver toxicity may become a problem for some Dbol users, it is best to have ready supplies of Tyler Liver Detox or Milk Thistle. Moreover, users of the steroid should consume 7-9 glasses of water and take other liquids such as fresh juices at regular intervals or if the need arises. Dianabol use may cause side effects like increased aggression, male pattern baldness, clitoral hypertrophy, oily skin bouts, and insomnia and indiscriminate use of this steroid may lead to difficulty when urinating, edema (swelling), fever, or pain in the lower back (particularly in the kidney areas) and even high blood pressure and damage to kidneys. At no point of time, this anabolic steroid should be used in absence or contravention of medical advice. Moreover, use of Dianabol should always be made for a legal purpose and as per medical directions. In case a dose of the steroid is missed, for any reason, the same should be ignored and the next dose should be taken as scheduled.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cytomel thyroid hormone for replacement therapy

Cytomel is not a steroid, but more a of a cutting aid. It's a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone tri-iodio-thyronine or T3, made up of a metabolite of the amino acid tyrosine and 3 iodine ions. In the body it in turn is made from another hormone, T4, which is secreted by the thyroid under influence of the pituitary hormone TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone). If a shortage of either TSH or T4 is noted, usually doctors may opt for a replacement therapy. These days the most common prescription is synthetic T4 (Synthroid), but in more severe cases of permanent thyroid dysfunction, the choice is given to Cytomel. Simply because T4 is mostly active through its conversion to T3 and T3 is 4-5 times stronger than T4 on a mcg for mcg basis.

In bodybuilding circles Cytomel is mostly used as fat-loss drug. Thyroid hormones are often referred to as the metabolic regulators of the body. High levels of T3 speed up the metabolism of an individual, allowing him to burn more calories and use calories more sufficiently. Generally ectopmorphic body-types have very high thyroid levels and in some cases a slight undiagnosed form of hyperthyroidism. Both hyper-and hypothyroidism can have severe consequences on an individual, such as goiters and other nasty stuff, so messing with your thyroid is not something. As with insulin, misuse of this compound can leave you dependent on exogenous T3 for the rest of your life. So some caution and research is required before putting Cytomel in your body. Generally cycles should be limited to 4-6 weeks tops,  recommend 3 and alternating cycles with 3-week cycles of Clenbuterol. But most importantly, to avoid a crash or a shock to the thyroid function doses need to be built up over time and tapered off again. More so for Cytomel than for any other drug in existence.

Cytomel is not a drug to start off on, and that use of milder drugs like T4 (Synthroid) or triacana can help ease a person into the use of T3. T4 is basically similar to Cytomel except that its weaker. Something that users normally compensate with higher doses and sends them down a similar lane as simply using Cytomel. Agreed, Cytomel is NOT a drug for beginners, but with adequate research, experience with diet and some self-control, why cytomel shouldn't be the first thyoid compound used. But for recreational users looking for a fatburner. Cytomel is much more powerful, but Clenbuterol is a lot safer for use. The results are easier to maintain with clenbuterol as well. Negative feedback in the thyroid may decrease natural levels of T3 in the body, causing a decrease of metabolic rate after coming off a cycle of T3. That can cause a rebound effect during which a lot of weight is gained back.

 Cytomel is the popularly recognized brand name for the drug Liothyronine Sodium. This is not an anabolic steroid but a thyroid hormone. It is used medically to treat cases of thyroid insufficiency, obesity, certain metabolic disorders and fatigue. Specifically this drug is a pharmaceutical preparation of the natural thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (T-3). When administered, Cytomel increases the patient's metabolism. The result is an increased rate of cellular activity (noted by a more rapid utilization of carbohydrates, fats and proteins). Bodybuilders are particularly attracted to this drug for its ability to burn off body excess fat. Most often utilized during contest preparation, one can greatly decrease the amount of stored fat without being forced to severely restrict calories. To this end Cytomel is commonly used in conjunction with Clenbuterol and can produce extremely dramatic results. This combination has become very popular in recent years, no doubt responsible for many "ripped" on-stage physiques. It is also noted by many that when thyroid hormones are taken in conjunction with steroids, an increased anabolic effect can be seen (noticeably greater than if the steroids are used alone). This is likely due to faster utilization of proteins by the body, increasing the rate for new muscle accumulation.

One should take caution if considering using this drug. Cytomel comes with an extensive list of warnings and precautions which are not to be ignored. Side effects include, but are not limited to, heart palpitations, agitation, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, headaches, and psychic/metabolic disorders. It is a powerful hormone, and one that could potentially alter the normal functioning of the body if misused. When administering Cytomel, one must remember to increase the dosage slowly. Generally one 25mcg tablet is taken on the first day, and the dosage is thereafter increased by one tablet every three of four days for a maximum dosage of 100mcg. This will help the body adjust to the increased thyroid hormone, hopefully avoiding any sudden "shock" to the system. The daily dose is also to be split evenly throughout the day, in an effort to keep blood levels steadier. Women are more sensitive to the side effects of Cytomel than men, and usually opt to take no more than 50mcg daily.

It is important to stress that a cycle should last no longer than 6 weeks and it should never be halted abruptly. As slowly as the dosage was built up it should also be lowered, one tablet every 3-4 days. Taking Cytomel for too long and/or at too high a dosage can result in a permanent thyroid deficiency. After doing such, one might need to be treated with a drug like Cytomel for life. It is also a good idea to first consult your physician and have your thyroid function tested. An undiagnosed hyper function would not mix well with the added hormone. An athlete should also be sure never to purchase an injectable form of the drug. It is generally an emergency room product, much too powerful for athletic use. Since T-3 is the most powerful thyroid hormone athletes are using, this is generally not the starting point for a beginner. Before using such a powerful item, it is a good idea to become familiar with a weaker substance. An in-between point is Synthroid (Synthetic T-4), still weaker in action than Cytomel. Once the user is ready however, the fat burning effect of this hormone can be extremely dramatic.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Benefits of GP Methan by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

GP Methan by Geneza Pharmaceuticals was more or less the second anabolic steroid ever produced. The first, as we all know was Testosterone, which was produced in the early 1900s and experimented with by Nazis in WW2, in an attempt to produce a better soldier. Enough with the history lesson, lets get into what this GP Methan is and what it does. Well, first off, its usually found in pill form, though it can be found as an injectable also (Under the Trade name: Reforvit-B, which is 25mgs of methandrostenolone mixed with B-vitamins). GP Methan is a 17aa steroid, which means it has been altered at the 17th Carbon position, to survive its first pass through your liver, and make it into your blood stream. GP Methan will raise your blood pressure and is also hepatoxic (Liver-Toxic), so be careful with it. Lets examine this particular study a bit further, though:

GP Methan this study, done in the early 80s, a very high dose of Dianabol (100mgs/day for 6 weeks) decreased plasma testosterone to about 40% of its normal value, plasma GH went up about a third, LH dropped to about 80% of its original value, and FSH went down about a third also (these are all approximate numbers, for the sake of brevity, but you get the idea). Body fat did not go up significantly and fat free mass went up anywhere between 2-7kgs (3.3kgs average gain). The researchers concluded that GP Methan increases Fat Free Mass as well as increasing strength and performance.

Side effects:
As with many other 17aa steroids, GP Methan is also a very weak binder to the androgen receptor, so most of its effects are thought to be non-receptor mediated, and are attributable to other mechanisms (i.e. protein synthesis as indicated by the production of muscle tissue with very high levels of nitrogen, etc. which was indicated in the 100mg/day study). This also means GP Methan only has a modest aromatase activity.

In order to kick start a Dianabol cycle, usually what you do is incorporate a fast acting oral like GP Methan (or anadrol) and combine it with long acting injectables (such as Deca or Equipoise with some Testosterone). The reasoning here is that the oral will give almost immediate results, while the injectable takes time to produce results. The end result is that you start seeing results within the first week of your cycle and continue up until the end with the injectables. This entails taking anywhere from 25-50mgs of dbol (although as little as 20mgs or as much as 100mgs have been reported) for 3-6 weeks at the start of a cycle (average time for a "Kick Start" is 4 weeks, though), and then ceasing their use as the injectables start to produce results.

In order to successfully bridge between cycles (and this means using a low dose of anabolic steroids, in this case dbol), you need to recover your natural hormonal levels to pre-cycle levels or to within acceptable parameters, and then you start your next cycle. The idea here is that you wont lose any gains, but rather a low dose of an anabolic steroids will help you maintain them. Typically, you'd use around 10mgs/day of dbol and combine it with an aggressive Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) course of Nolvadex (and/or Clomid) and HCG. This would give you full androgen replacement from the GP Methan and a shot at recovering your natural hormonal levels via the other stuff you are taking. Remember, the 100mg/day dose of dbol in the study we looked at earlier did not suppress Test, LH, or FSH to a degree that would make recovery impossible and certainly not with 1/10th that dose in conjunction with an aggressive PCT.

Friday, March 6, 2015

How to take Nolvadex, HCG and Clomid for PCT

Post-cycle treatment (PCT) is often overlooked as just another nuisance, but in fact it is a very important aspect of a steroid cycle. In men, anabolic steroid administration produces a predictable, dose-dependent depression of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), via the negative feedback loop of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis (HPGA/HPTA).  There is no point in spending your money on steroids and many hours in the gym just to lose it all at the end of a cycle because you didn’t recover your endogenous hormone production afterwards. PCT with chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and anti-estrogen drugs will speed-up recovery by stimulating LH production.

How To Take Clomid:
Clomid has a long half-life (possibly 5 days), so there is no need to split up doses throughout the day. If Sustanon has been used and Clomid is commenced 3 weeks after the last injection, I would estimate that androgen levels are low enough to start sending the correct signals. If androgen levels are still a little high, we need to start at a high enough amount that will work or help, even if androgen levels are still a little high. Try 300mg on day 1, then use 100mg for the next 10 days, followed by 50mg for 10 days.

How to take Nolvadex for PCT:

As an alternative to Clomid, which has been reported to have led to unwanted side effects such as visual disturbances in some users, Nolvadex can be employed. Nolvadex is a trade name for the drug Tamoxifen. Like Clomid, the half life of Nolvadex is relatively long enabling the user to implement a single daily dosing schedule. Administration would start as per the timescales outlined above and the duration would be identical to that of Clomid.

Typically, for a moderate-heavy cycle, the following dosages would be used:
Day 1 - 100mg
Following 10 days - 60mg
Following 10 days - 40mg

Occasionally, heavier cycles containing perhaps Nandrolone (Deca) or Trenbolone which by definition are particularly suppressive of the HPTA, may require a slightly longer therapy. Likewise, more modest/shorter cycles may require lower dosages, perhaps dropping each by 20mg per day.

Some users like to use both Clomid and Nolvadex in their PCT in an attempt to cover all angles. An example of the dosages involved might be:
Day 1 - Clomid 200mg + Nolvadex 40mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
Following 10 days - Clomid 50mg or Nolvadex 20mg

Of course, the examples provided are not set in stone and may be adjusted

Using HCG:
HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin and is not a steroid, but a natural peptide hormone which develops in the placenta of pregnant women during pregnancy to controls the mother's hormones. (Incidentally, this is the reason you may hear of people testing for growth hormone (HGH) with a pregnancy testing kit - If their HGH shows "pregnant".

Its action in the male body is like that of LH, stimulating the Leydig cells in the testes to produce testosterone even in the absence of endogenous LH. HCG is therefore used during longer or heavier steroid cycles to maintain testicular size and condition, or to bring atrophied (shrunken) testicles back up to their original condition in preparation for post-cycle Clomid therapy. This process is necessary because atrophied testicles produce reduced levels of natural testosterone, this situation should be rectified prior to post-cycle Clomid therapy.

HCG administration post-cycle is common practice among bodybuilders in the belief that it will aid the natural testosterone recovery, but this theory is unfounded and also counterproductive. The rapid rise in both testosterone, and thus oestrogen due to aromatisation, from the administration of HCG causes further inhibition of the HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/Testicular Axis - feedback loop discussed above), this actually worsens the recovery situation. HCG does not restore the natural testosterone production.

The typically observed dosing of 2000 to 5000IU every 4 to 5 days causes such an increase in oestrogen levels via aromatisation of the natural testosterone that this has been responsible for many cases of gynecomastia.

From the above discussion it is clear that HCG is best used during a cycle, either to:
1) Avoid testicular atrophy, or
2) Rectify the problem of an existing testicular atrophy.

HCG Dosage:

Smaller doses, more frequently during a cycle will give best overall results with least unwanted side effects. Somewhere between 500IU and 1000IU per day would be best over about a two-week period. These doses are sufficient to avoid/rectify testicular atrophy without increasing oestrogen levels too dramatically and risking gynecomastia. This dosing schedule also avoids the risk of permanently down-regulating the LH receptors in the testes.

It is important for the HCG administration to have been completed with 6 or 7 clear days before the onset of PCT in order to avoid inhibition of the Nolvadex and Clomid therapy. Also, a small daily dose (10-20mg) of Nolvadex would normally be used in conjunction with HCG in order to prevent oestrogenic symptoms caused by sudden increases in aromatisation.

Synthetic HCG is often known as Pregnyl (generic name) and is available in 2500iu and 5000iu (not ideal for the above doses!). Administration of the compound is either by intra-muscular or subcutaneous injection. It comes as a powder which needs to be mixed with the sterile water. The powder is temperature-sensitive prior to mixing and should not be exposed to direct heat. After mixing, it should be kept refrigerated and used within a few weeks - though there are sterility issues which need to be considered after mixing.
Clomid and/or Nolvadex are more effective than HCG post cycle, but some long-term users like to use HCG during a cycle, or to prepare the testes for Clomid and Nolvadex therapy.
For example, if Dianabol, Sustanon and Winstrol were cycled, the time for administering Clomid should be 3 weeks post cycle, as Sustanon remains active in the body for the longest period of time.

Clomid is available in 50mg tablets most commonly, but also comes in 25mg capsule, often in boxes of 24 tablets. Tamoxifen is made by a number of manufacturers and comes in 10mg or 20mg tablets, most commonly 30 x 20mg tablets. HCG generally comes in kits of three ampoules of powder needing to be mixed with the provided injectable water as 1500IU, 2500IU or 5000IU per ampoule kits.

depending on the factors outlined above and individual variances.