Lifestyle and other factors
Poverty and homelessness are also associated with the development of HIV infection, possibly because of such factors as poor diet and lack of access to medical care. Also examined lifestyle factors such as psychological health (eg depression), but on this issue there is no single opinion.
In one English study involved 168 people living with HIV for several years. Among them were those who could be called non progressive, such us people whose immune status has remained above 500 cells / ml after more than 8.5 years after infection. Also among them were people with an average speed of development of HIV infection, and the rapid development of HIV infection.
Scientists have collected the most information about their different lifestyles: the use of alcohol and tobacco, sleep, receive vitamin supplements, physical activity, using alternative methods of healing. The results were disappointing: a way of life had virtually no impact on the development of HIV infection. Monitoring of HIV-positive women for seven years has also not shown that life may once have an impact on HIV.
Dangerous sex
There is some evidence that a dangerous sex linked to the development of HIV infection. One study showed that among HIV-positive men who have unprotected penetrating sex, immune status has fallen faster than among men, avoiding risk sex.
Men involved in receiving anal sex without a condom, there is often a sharp decline in immune status. The risk of lowering the immune status grew with each new sexual partner, which does not use a condom.
These studies do not say what the causal link between the dangerous sex and immune status. Perhaps the reason is re-infected with HIV. Also, the reason may be in various sexually transmitted infections. Some researchers even suggest that the semen itself may suppress the immune system.
There was only a few cases of re-infection of HIV. In some cases reinfektsiya hampered by the immune system to contain the virus, or lead to resistance to treatment. As a result, the development of HIV infection is accelerated.
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