Research ways of life, as described above, also showed that drugs are not associated with more rapid progress of HIV infection.
However, it is not for all drugs. According to the latest figures cocaine, possibly accelerating the development of HIV infection, because this substance contributes to the reproduction of HIV. Cocaine increases the ability of HIV to enter cells of the immune system, preventing cells to produce the protective substance. Some data show that weekly consumption of cocaine and various hallucinogens linked with a higher risk of death, although it is unclear how this relates to HIV.
Until now until the end unclear whether the development of HIV infection from injecting drug use. Some experts suggest that drug use contributes to violations in the DNA of the virus, bringing the virus mutates frequently. Perhaps that is why among injecting drug users often encountered resistance to anti-retrovirals and HIV-associated diseases of the nervous system.
Also injections non sterile tools may be associated with re-infection of HIV and various other infections that may influence the course of the disease.
There is laboratory evidence that alcohol contributes to the development of HIV infection. Like cocaine, it blocks a substance the immune system that prevent the virus to penetrate the cell. Nevertheless, studies on real people have not shown that the use of alcohol as something related to the progress of HIV.
There is evidence that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of opportunistic infections of the skin pneumocystic pneumonia. But with the development of HIV smoking has nothing to do.
Experience doctor
Strictly speaking, this is hardly a risk factor for disease. However, studies show that people whose doctor more experience in the field of HIV / AIDS live longer and remain healthy longer than patients whose doctors have less experience. In one study showed that among the people on stage AIDS risk of death was 43% lower among patients with the most experienced doctors. The same study determined that patients with an experienced doctor quickly receive first aid and specialized treatment, they have better access to a variety of laboratory studies. And that leads to better health when living with HIV.
Lifestyle and other factors
Poverty and homelessness are also associated with the development of HIV infection, possibly because of such factors as poor diet and lack of access to medical care. Also examined lifestyle factors such as psychological health (eg depression), but on this issue there is no single opinion.
In one English study involved 168 people living with HIV for several years. Among them were those who could be called non progressive, such us people whose immune status has remained above 500 cells / ml after more than 8.5 years after infection. Also among them were people with an average speed of development of HIV infection, and the rapid development of HIV infection.
Scientists have collected the most information about their different lifestyles: the use of alcohol and tobacco, sleep, receive vitamin supplements, physical activity, using alternative methods of healing. The results were disappointing: a way of life had virtually no impact on the development of HIV infection. Monitoring of HIV-positive women for seven years has also not shown that life may once have an impact on HIV.
Dangerous sex
There is some evidence that a dangerous sex linked to the development of HIV infection. One study showed that among HIV-positive men who have unprotected penetrating sex, immune status has fallen faster than among men, avoiding risk sex.
Men involved in receiving anal sex without a condom, there is often a sharp decline in immune status. The risk of lowering the immune status grew with each new sexual partner, which does not use a condom.
These studies do not say what the causal link between the dangerous sex and immune status. Perhaps the reason is re-infected with HIV. Also, the reason may be in various sexually transmitted infections. Some researchers even suggest that the semen itself may suppress the immune system.
There was only a few cases of re-infection of HIV. In some cases reinfektsiya hampered by the immune system to contain the virus, or lead to resistance to treatment. As a result, the development of HIV infection is accelerated.
People who have certain mutant genes, cells can be CD4, less vulnerable to HIV. This is due to the fact that these people on the cells lacking the so-called co receptors CXCR4 and CCR5. Both co receptors virus needs to penetrate the cell.
According to data analysis of several studies of CCR5 mutations reduces the likelihood of AIDS by 23% and the CCR2 mutation at 26%. Other studies have identified mutations that reduce the risk of developing AIDS in the 31-39%.
For example, the mutation CCR2 64I is linked to a much slower decline in immune status. Typically, this mutation occurs among Africans and Asians, rather than the Europeans. But mutation of CCR5 delta 32 Conversely distributed among northern Europeans and Scandinavians.
However, the impact of genetic mutations are much more difficult than is commonly thought. Their protective effect associated with the duration of infection, age, injecting drug use and other factors. For example, the mutation CCR2 64I can protect the body only in the early stages of HIV infection. According to some studies active injecting drug prevents certain mutations of protective action. Under the assumptions of scientists is due to the special influence of certain drugs on the immune system.
Some mutations, however, help the virus to enter cells, increasing the risk of HIV transmission and progression of infection.
The genetic characteristics can also affect the "ambassadors" of immune system - chemokinesis and cytokines, which also affects the progression of HIV infection. Studies suggest that cases of rapid progression of HIV infection associated with changes in some of the most important substances that regulate the immune system - interleukin.
There's also a link between the progress of HIV infection and genetic characteristics of antigen immune system - HLA. This antigen is liable to be inherited, and depends on it "launch" immune response. When the various mutations of the antigen likelihood of the rapid development of HIV infection can be changed six times.
According to contemporary scientific understanding sex does not affect the speed of development of HIV infection. Earlier on this issue was confusing, since some studies have shown that women with HIV progresses more rapidly. Explanation of data such research has been more than trivial - because of discrimination against women, they may be less access to health care and good medical care.
The largest study conducted in Switzerland showed that there was no difference between the progress of HIV infection in men and women. Nevertheless, against women exists and its characteristics. Women immune status begins to decline, with a little more than men's viral load. This may be relevant to the appointment of antiretroviral therapy for her, but that does not mean that HIV progresses more rapidly among women. Also for older women and drug users is characterized by a rapid decline in immune status than men.
Overall the study helps firmly say that pregnancy does not lead to the progress of HIV infection. Moreover, a study in the U.S. showed that even multiple pregnancy is not associated with increased risk of AIDS.
Nevertheless, some studies that contradict. For example, according to one study, some opportunistic infections, such as bacterial pneumonia, more prevalent in women who were pregnant. But most of these characteristics are very slim. Also, there is evidence that during the 12 weeks after birth for women increased viral load, even before they have to take anti-retroviral therapy.
Known fact is that a deficit of some vitamins and minerals can lead to a deterioration in the functions of the immune system. There is evidence that the lack of vitamins A and B-12, as well as zinc associated with more rapid decline in immune status. A lack of calories and protein also associated with deterioration of the current HIV infection. Often such shortages lead to problems with digest nutrients and diarrhea.
While not known whether influence over HIV infection by certain food additives. But now we can say that a full meal, rich in proteins, as well as various vitamins and minerals - is one of the most important drugs for people living with HIV / AIDS.
Severe stress can accelerate the development of HIV infection. Frequent stressful events, such as breaking long relationship, problems at work, financial difficulties, the loss of loved one or arrest - all linked to the progress of the disease.
Strong stressful events in the two years increased the risk of HIV infection in about four times. Stress is important not only in itself. It is also important whether a person feels that he controls stress. People who feel helpless and unable to change anything more at risk of deteriorating health.
What is the "daily stress" does not affect the progression of the disease. The value is just very strong and prolonged stress. Particularly vulnerable to these people who have no social support of friends and loved ones in serious moments of life.
Psychological distress - the most severe form of stress is directly related to the development of HIV infection, but not with life. A study in the U.S. HIV-positive drug users showed that people experiencing distress, most often AIDS has already developed two years after the transmission of HIV.
There is conflicting data as to whether the development of AIDS as something related to the transmission of the virus through.
Now most scientists have rejected such theories as insolvent. Apparently, the value is not the route of transmission of HIV, and other factors that may be linked to through the transfer. For example, before some were saying that people who are HIV transmission through blood transfusions, the disease progresses rapidly. However, it does not take into account the fact that if a person transfused blood, the more likely he was at an older age, and may suffer other serious illnesses.
Adult progression of HIV infection is faster at an older age. The most noticeable is in people over 40 years. By some estimates the risk of AIDS is increased by 27-55% with each new decade. In one study, conducted among adult hemophiliac, showed that ten years have remained healthy 86% of people infected by the age of 15 years, 72% of people infected between the ages of 15-34 years, 45% of people infected by the age of 34 -54 Years, and only 12% of infected people aged over 55 years. In one Italian study shows that the progression of HIV infection is increasing one and a half times increase in the age of ten years.
The explanation of this phenomenon may be that with increasing age the immune system more difficult to replace CD4 cells with new ones. Perhaps this is due to suppression activities thymus - prostate, generating new cells CD4. Another explanation is that older persons below the level chemokinesis - substances that interfere with HIV to penetrate the cell.
Also, HIV infection can progress rapidly in young children, especially infants. Slower all HIV progression among adolescents.
It is assumed that the young people the best immune response in the transmission of HIV, bringing the viral load has long remained low.
However, according to latest figures, with access to anti-retroviral therapy effect of age on the progression of HIV infection is reduced. However, according to some studies people older than 50 are still difficult to restore the immune status, even when receiving anti-retroviral therapy.
The development of HIV infection and its rate depends on many factors, not all of them are known to medicine. Nevertheless, already aware of some causes more rapid development of the disease, or longer maintain health. Some of them are impossible to control, the others may affect not only physicians but also people with HIV.
Changeable forecast
Until 1996, it was thought that 100% of people with HIV develop AIDS in the period from 18 months to 25 years. But even those figures were unreliable. The reasons for this were several:
* Some people develop AIDS more quickly, others slowly.
* The first assessment of progression of HIV infection have appeared as early as the beginning of the epidemic. Then the diagnosis put people in the early stages of AIDS, and it is not surprising that almost all of them have developed AIDS in almost a year.
* With the passage of time, it became clear that most HIV-positive people remain healthy much longer than 1-2 years after infection. Moreover, people can stay healthy from the very beginning of the epidemic, so it was impossible to determine how long, in principle, can continue silent period.
Before the advent of anti-retroviral drugs, scientists have been able to form a picture of "natural evolution" of HIV infection. Left untreated, the average life expectancy of people with the time of HIV infection was 13 years old. Naturally, this meant that someone stage of AIDS appeared before someone at a later date.
Before the therapy the majority of HIV-positive people develop AIDS stage a few years after HIV transmission. However, modern medicine has become not only the ability to control the development of HIV infection, stopping it using drugs, but also identify some factors affecting the changes in immune status and viral load in HIV.
These factors affect how quickly or slowly growing HIV infection, although they themselves do not cause disease. The presence or absence of additional factors did not "guarantee" that people quickly sick. On the development of AIDS affects several factors, many of them are still not known.