Research ways of life, as described above, also showed that drugs are not associated with more rapid progress of HIV infection.
However, it is not for all drugs. According to the latest figures cocaine, possibly accelerating the development of HIV infection, because this substance contributes to the reproduction of HIV. Cocaine increases the ability of HIV to enter cells of the immune system, preventing cells to produce the protective substance. Some data show that weekly consumption of cocaine and various hallucinogens linked with a higher risk of death, although it is unclear how this relates to HIV.
Until now until the end unclear whether the development of HIV infection from injecting drug use. Some experts suggest that drug use contributes to violations in the DNA of the virus, bringing the virus mutates frequently. Perhaps that is why among injecting drug users often encountered resistance to anti-retrovirals and HIV-associated diseases of the nervous system.
Also injections non sterile tools may be associated with re-infection of HIV and various other infections that may influence the course of the disease.
There is laboratory evidence that alcohol contributes to the development of HIV infection. Like cocaine, it blocks a substance the immune system that prevent the virus to penetrate the cell. Nevertheless, studies on real people have not shown that the use of alcohol as something related to the progress of HIV.
There is evidence that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of opportunistic infections of the skin pneumocystic pneumonia. But with the development of HIV smoking has nothing to do.
Experience doctor
Strictly speaking, this is hardly a risk factor for disease. However, studies show that people whose doctor more experience in the field of HIV / AIDS live longer and remain healthy longer than patients whose doctors have less experience. In one study showed that among the people on stage AIDS risk of death was 43% lower among patients with the most experienced doctors. The same study determined that patients with an experienced doctor quickly receive first aid and specialized treatment, they have better access to a variety of laboratory studies. And that leads to better health when living with HIV.