Wednesday, March 28, 2012

AIDS - USA, UK and Europe

By June 1999, 702 748 adult cases of AIDS had been reported in the USA. In addition there were 8596 paediatric cases (<13 years old). Most of the cases in children (91%) occur because a
patient suffered from HIV or belonged to a group at increased risk of HIV; 4% occurred through blood transfusion; 3% in children with haemophilia.

Information on risk factors for the remaining 2% of the parents of these children is not complete.
Adult cases in Europe totalled 234 406 by June 2000, and those in the UK 17 151 (December 2000). There are five times more people infected with HIV at any one time than have AIDS. The rate for AIDS cases varies throughout Europe, with particularly high rates in Italy, Portugal, Spain, France and Switzerland, where the commonest mode of infection is through intravenous drug use and the sharing of needles and equipment.

In North America and the UK the first wave of the epidemic occurred in homosexual men. In the UK, proportionally more homosexual men have been notified than in America: 67% of cases compared with 48% respectively. Even though infections amongst men who have sex with men still arise, an increasing proportion of new infections in the USA is occurring amongst intravenous drug users sharing needles and equipment. There is also an increase amongst heterosexuals in both the USA and the UK. Currently in the USA, 16% of cases of AIDS have occurred amongst women, and although the commonest risk factor amongst such women is injecting drug use (42%), the next most common mode of transmission is heterosexual contact (40%).
The nature of the epidemic within the UK is changing with more heterosexual transmission. In the UK 12% of adult cases of AIDS have occurred in women, 70% of which have resulted
from heterosexual intercourse. In 2000 there were more new annual infections of HIV than ever before and for the first time more occurring as a result of heterosexual sex than men having sex with men. Most heterosexually acquired infections are seen in men and women who have come from or have spent time in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The advent of an effective antibody test in 1984 has allowed for a clearer understanding of the changing prevalence and natural history of HIV infection. Surveys show that the proportion of individuals infected needs to be high before cases of AIDS start to become apparent. It also underlines the importance of health education campaigns early in the epidemic, when the seroprevalence of HIV is low. Once cases of AIDS start to appear the epidemic drives itself and a much greater effort is required in terms of control and medical care.

Within countries one finds considerable variation in seroprevalence levels for HIV. Over 70% of cases of AIDS and HIV infection within the UK occur and are seen in the Thames regions (London and the surrounding area). Among different groups one also finds geographical differences. For example, the rates among drug users is higher in Edinburgh than London,
and for gay men higher in London than anywhere else in the UK. This is also found in the developing world; for example, in Tanzania and Uganda, the urban level of HIV infection in men
and women can be five times higher than rural rates.

The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in resource-rich countries has resulted in an increase in life expectancy. This, in combination with the increase in new HIV infections, means that the prevalent pool of those infected, and potentially infectious, is increasing. This presents a continuing challenge for health promotion and a re-statement of the importance of safe sex techniques, particularly condom use.
AIDS results in a considerable cost not only in human suffering also to health services. Other costs include time off work and the effect of the deaths of young people on national productivity. AIDS represents a major public health problem in the world. A clear understanding of the epidemiology forms the basis of developing a strategy of control ranging from health education to research.

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