Erectile dysfunction refers to difficulty in getting the penis erect or maintaining it in the erect position for substantial periods. Men with erectile dysfunction are able to ejaculate, but the satisfaction of intercourse is minimal. Besides, penile problems can indicate much serious conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems and nervous disorders. Men need to realize that an erectile dysfunction disorder is nothing to be ashamed of and that it can be cured in almost every situation.
The first course of action that most men adopt for erectile dysfunction is the drug Sildenafil, popularly called Viagra. However, in nearly a third of the cases, the patients do not respond to Viagra. Moreover, Viagra can be potentially lethal to men with cardiovascular disease and hence the drug cannot be prescribed to all. Nonetheless, there are various other solutions to dysfunction problems, but before a treatment can be finalized the underlying cause for the dysfunction needs to be identified. Sometimes, men cannot achieve erection because of performance anxiety and such an issue can be resolved in a few sessions with a psychologist.
Many individuals don't realize that AIDS is a virus. The full name is acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is a disease that affects the immune system of the human being. There is such a stigma attached to this condition that it creates a whole gambit of emotions and responses from the person suffering from it. To begin with, they do not want to be classed as being sexually promiscuous.
What happens in the body is as time progresses with the individual afflicted from this is the immune system becomes weaker and weaker because of this virus, which means in the long run the individual becomes more susceptible to all other types of afflictions and health problems.
AIDS is the most advanced part of HIV. Over the last several years, we've come a long way in being able to slow it down but to date there is still no cure.
It's been pretty well determined that the condition can be spread through sex, or hypodermic needles for example but basically it comes down to direct contact with any mucous membrane or the bloodstream or any body fluid that contains the HIV virus.
Most people have generally accepted the causes of the way of contracting the disease but there is still a handful who believes that there are other methods that it can be picked up as well such as a door handle or public washrooms for example.
There is no one part of the body that is safe from the effects of AIDS. Most often individuals go to their doctor complaining of just general poor health then through this investigation of the problem AIDS will often show up as being the culprit. Based on this many people are afraid to go to the doctor because they are concerned about being diagnosed. There are thousands of people that walk around every day with HIV and don't even know they have it and this is what makes it dangerous in respect to sexual acts of those who are unsuspecting of the AIDs virus.